What should I do after I have my system installed?
Have your installer make a drawing (to scale) that shows the location of your tank and drainfield in relation to your home. This will help guide your service provider should any repairs be necessary. You’ll also need a diagram of your septic system when you are considering any home renovations, landscaping projects, or new parking places and driveways.How often will I need to have my tank pumped?
Not very often. An average family of four living in a three-bedroom house will need their tank pumped every three to five years.If your installer is a licensed septic contractor in the area, he should know exact guidelines for your home, usage and locality. Or you can check with your county health department.If there are no major changes in your household and your usage is stable, you may want to consider a regular pumping schedule for best results with the least worry.Can I build over my septic tank?
This is never advisable and is against most municipal codes. Do not build any additions, pools, driveways over a tank. Also, do not build or plant on top of your drainfield.If I think there is a problem, should I open my septic tank?
NO! Though septic systems are safe for your family, opening the septic tank without professional training can expose you to dangerous gases and bacteria. Call a certified and trained septic professional if you detect any problems in your system.



  • Conserve water to reduce the amount of wastewater that must be treated and disposed.
  • Repair any leaking faucets and toilets.
  • Only discharge biodegradable wastes into system.
  • Restrict garbage disposal use.
  • Divert down spouts and other surface water away from your drainfield.
  • Keep your septic tank cover accessible for tank inspections and pumping.
  • Have your septic tank pumped regularly and checked for leaks and cracks.
  • Call a professional when you have problems.
  • Compost your garbage or put it in the trash.


  • Flush sanitary napkins, tampons, disposable diapers, condoms, wipes and such products into your system.
  • Dump solvents, oils, paints, thinners, disinfectants, pesticides or poisons down the drain which can disrupt the treatment process and contaminate groundwater.
  • Dig in your drainfield or build anything over it.
  • Plant anything over your drainfield except grass.
  • Drive over your drainfield or compact the soil in any way.

—Source, NOWRA